Over the weekend, I asked God for direction with my next book. I have shared about it before but I thought I would share what happened today.
I’ve been trying to get motivated and inspired for this book, but it keeps dragging on, and I still haven’t gotten far. I have done the introductory parts but just started the individual days. Day one was today.
Over the weekend, while praying early in the morning, I felt God impress upon me to complete my first draft for the next book this month. It shouldn’t be that hard, but I have been working on it since the beginning of the year, so maybe it will be.
While considering my efforts and plan for this month, I was reminded of something someone recently said. He said,
“You won’t finish your book unless you have a group of people praying for you.”
As soon as he said it, I knew he was right. And in fact, I hadn’t had a prayer team around me for my past devotionals. So, this morning, I set to work getting together a prayer group, and I thought of you.
So, today, I want to invite you to pray for me as I dive into this book project and work to obediently finish my first draft this month. And to help make this easier, I want to share with you a few ways you can pray:
Pray against distraction: I suffer from shiny-things-syndrome. Basically, I can easily get stuck in a cycle of jumping from one new project to another. I can’t be doing this while I work on my next book.
Pray for clarity, understanding, wisdom, and knowledge as I read the scriptures and write the devotionals to help people. Especially since I would stay on the main theme that I have found.
Pray for freedom and increased margin. This way, I can spend all the time I need to write this first draft and get things done. Help me to get things done and not to have things that interrupt me.
I appreciate your prayers and look forward to keeping you updated on my progress with the book.
If you are interested in being part of my ARC team for this book and all future books, feel free to leave a comment, and I will capture you into my system so that you are added for the next book launch.
What is an ARC Team?
ARC stands for Advanced Reader Copies. When my next book comes out, I will send it to you before it publishes for you to read, leave reviews, and share.
This is a great way to help me get my book for free ahead of everyone else. I will add your email to a special list that is just for my ARC team, so you will only get information when I go to launch books.
Alright, that’s all I’ve got for today. I hope you will partner with me in prayer and even consider partnering financially to help me keep publishing books. You can do that on Buy Me A Coffee!
Thanks for reading, and we will be in touch!
J.R. Heimbigner
I read this a little late, but I'm praying for you, my friend. 🙏🏻