In the early day of my faith, I profoundly changed the more I learned about Jesus and experienced him in my life. At the time, I didn’t have the understanding to put into words what was happening, but I found that Jesus would step into every aspect of my life and mix things up.
When I came to know Jesus, I was a partying college student desperately trying to find himself. I would throw myself into school, parties, and relationships full force, and when things got hard, it would be devastating.
Then, Jesus entered the scene, and my whole life was mixed up.
My identity was transforming from a wild frat guy to something completely new. I related to partying differently. How I approached other students, my school work and my relationships with the opposite sex changed so much that people around me were unsure what had happened.
The more and more I read about Jesus, the more and more my life changed. I couldn’t explain it very well at the time. Yet, he was transforming me from the inside, which was showing on the outside.
Experiencing Jesus
In those early days of my faith, Jesus was more real to me than he had ever been. It was as if he was sitting next to me when I would read the stories about what he did for others.
As I continued to dive into the Bible and transform my mind, I started seeing life change like the stories I was reading in one particular book of the Bible, the Gospel of Mark.
When you read the Gospel of Mark, it seems like everywhere Jesus goes, something wild and exciting happens. And it was almost as if he never slowed down doing things or connecting people to God.
Reading the Gospel of Mark, we will experience Jesus the Messiah.
Now, I understand it is hard to imagine experiencing Jesus in your life in the physical world. However, the Gospel of Mark shows us how Jesus likes to step into people’s lives and change things.
And when we can relate to those moments, we can invite Jesus into our lives and bring change, healing, and relief to the deepest, most hurtful places. These are the places only the Messiah can step into, and when he does, it transforms our lives.
Jesus the Messiah came to the world for the sick, hurt, and brokenness that everyone experiences. No one is untouched by pain and heartache. And Jesus steps right into these areas and brings healing and wholeness to people.
What We Can Learn from the Gospel of Mark
I have shared before that the entire Bible points to Jesus and the redemption of humanity. Yet, the Gospel of Mark shares much more about who Jesus is and what he did. This is tremendously important because his actions and teachings touch our lives today.
The Gospel of Mark immediately points us to the Messiah by quoting the prophet Isaiah:
“Look, I am sending my messenger ahead of you and he will prepare your way. He is a voice shouting in the wilderness, ‘Prepare the way for the Lord’s coming! Clear the road for him!’” — Mark 1:2–3 / Isaiah 40:3
In Isaiah, the word Lord is the Hebrew word Yahweh, which is the name God provides to Moses at the beginning of the Bible. Immediately, the Gospel of Mark points to the fact that Jesus is the Messiah.
Ultimately, we can learn that Jesus is the Messiah who was sent to rescue the world. And we can experience Him by observing three things that happen often in this book of the Bible:
First, what does Jesus say or do?
Second, how did people respond or react to what Jesus said or did?
Third, how do relate to what Jesus says and the reaction he received in the Bible?
When we read the Gospel of Mark, we can step into every story and experience what Jesus is doing and how it changes the lives of the people around him. Because of this, we can experience Jesus the Messiah and understand what that might look like for us today.
Being Discipled by Jesus
When we believe in Jesus, we enter into a relationship with him, God the Father, and the Holy Spirit. This relationship changes us over time, and our experiences with Jesus are part of our maturity in our faith and, ultimately, discipleship from the Messiah directly.
Discipleship is our relationship with Jesus and how we are transformed by what he teaches us and how we experience him.
This devotional aims to help you experience Jesus in a way that transforms your life and brings you into a great experience with Jesus, which will take you deeper into your relationship with God and in walking in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Throughout the pages of this devotional, we will experience Jesus in amazing ways.
What Do We Know About the Gospel of Mark?
Before diving into this book of the Bible, we need to understand the background and context of what we read. These details, authorship, dates it was written, and the original audience is essential for reading the Bible and understanding what is happening and why.
Now, we believe that the Bible is inspired and breathed by God. This reminds us that even though the original audience lived differently, there are timeless truths that impact our lives and help us learn more about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and how we relate to all of them.
So, let’s dive into some of the details and get ready to see our lives changed by Jesus the Messiah:
Author: John Mark, cousin to Barnabas and connected to the Apostle Peter. It is widely executed that John Mark is the writer of this book, and it is Peter’s account of the things he saw while he was under the discipleship of Jesus.
Dates: Based on historical records and references within the book itself, it is commonly believed that the Gospel of Mark was written between 55 AD to 65 AD, making it potentially the first Gospel written.
Audience: The way the book is written points to a Gentile Christian audience who may have been mostly Roman in nature. It is to the point, draws people through the story, and has some reference to Jewish tradition to help provide context.
Purpose: It is clear that the purpose of this book is to present the life and deeds of Jesus. What he did, what he said, and how people responded. It is an action-packed book of the Bible that moves very quickly to help give people a holistic experience of Jesus.
When We Read the Gospel of Mark
While I mentioned this earlier, we want to read the Gospel of Mark, focusing on what Jesus does and says, how people respond, and how we relate to the teaching, events, and responses.
What did Jesus Say or Do?
Reading the stories of what Jesus did and said gives us a clear picture of who Jesus was and what he was about in his earthly ministry. This is essential for us to experience Jesus in our lives today.
How Did People Respond to Jesus?
Did people follow him? Did they mock him? Where the indifferent to him? Things Jesus said and did would elicit a variety of responses. These responses share insight into our nature as humans and how we respond when we encounter things of the Kingdom of God
How Do We Relate to Jesus?
When we encounter the teachings and deeds of Jesus, they impact us in different ways. When I was first a Christian, for example, the lessons and teachings were more impactful than healing. Yet, in this new stage of life, the stories of the people he delivers and heals greatly impact me.
We need to read and consider the action-packed Gospel of Mark in these three things. As we go from story to story, we learn to see Jesus in a specific light.
The Gospel of Mark Presents Jesus as the Messiah
When we read the Gospel of Mark, it is plain that Jesus is the Messiah. This makes sense when we consider this is the account of Peter through John Mark. However, the way that we see Jesus changes.
Jesus is not simply a man or a good teacher. He is God. He is the Messiah. He is the savior of the world. And we can meet him in his fullness by examining the stories of the Gospel of Mark.
Throughout this devotional, you will experience Jesus in a way you never have. You will dive into how amazing he is and how he can impact your life today.
Not as a character in a story but as the living Messiah who steps into your pain, hurt, and difficult circumstances. He will teach you, guide you, and deepen your understanding of the Kingdom of God and your life in him.
Most of all, you will start to experience Jesus on a personal level throughout your daily life. He will enter your dreams, give you visions, and speak to you in ways you’ve never experienced.
Jesus is the Messiah, and he wants to connect with you.
Transformed Faith is about helping people go deeper with God, experience Jesus, and walk in the power of the Holy Spirit. Connect with Transformed Faith on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram!
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The Book of Proverbs
The Gospel of John